6/25 ICA panel: Building Civic Participation through “Communal Gaming”

We visited Singapore to attend 2010 ICA conference (International Communication Association) which was held during 22-26, June. The venue of the conference was Suntec International Convention & Exhibition Centre where RoboCup was going on at the same time!
RIMG0013.JPGのサムネール画像Registration desk for ICA
In our panel, we tried to connect our practical research of media exprimo and “communication infrastructure theory” which Prof. Sandra J. Ball-Rokeach and other members of “Metamorphosis” project has been developing. It was very impressive exchanges, and we believe our discussion will be continued in the near future.
Building Civic Participation through “Communal Gaming”
Shin Mizukoshi, U of Tokyo, JAPAN
Joo-Young Janice Jung, International Christian U, JAPAN
Communication Infrastructure Theory and Civic Media Game Approach: Linking Theory and Practice -Joo-Young Janice Jung, International Christian U, JAPAN Shin Mizukoshi, U of Tokyo, JAPAN
The A-I-U-E-O Gabun photo-and-wordplay workshop: A participatory study of collaborative storytelling in local communities -Kiyoko Toriumi, U of Tokyo, JAPAN
Toward A New Model of Digital Storytelling Workshops: Media Conté Workshop in Local Communities -Akiko Ogawa, Aichi Shukutoku U, JAPAN Masaaki Ito, Aichi Shukutoku U, JAPAN
Experiences in Media Play: A Critical Practice on Mobile and Mobility Tusey-jen -Sophia Wu, National Chengchi U, TAIWAN
Sandra J. Ball-Rokeach, U of Southern California, USA
We enjoyed ICA as well as Singapore’s intercultural food and drinks including “Singapore Sling”!
RIMG0037.JPGRIMG0061 (2).jpgのサムネール画像

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