4/23, 2008 “Be Tough and Smart!”, Nanatthun of Chulalongkorn

The first Biotope salon hosted by Mizukoshi Lab, was held at Fukutake Hall in Hongo campus of Tokyo University on 23 April. Prof. Nanatthun Wongbandue and his two colleagues from Thailand, were guests of the first event. 17 people attended to the event, including Prof. Seong-soo Baeg, one of leaders of d`Catch project.
Mr. Nanatthun is a head of Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Communication Arts of Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, is also participating in d`Catch project, a cross-cultural exchange program across Asian countries. Mr. Metha Sereethanawong and Mr. Surin Aromsawang, having wide experiences in production field of broadcasting, are teaching mass media and contents production in the same university.
The event opened with Mr. Mizukoshi’s introductory talk of naming of “Biotope Salon”, a combination of ecological term “Biotope” with “salon”of images of relax, chat, beauty and fun.
Mr. Nanatthun talked about his class, his student, and the situation of mass media in Thailand. His media class is designed laying emphasis not only on media theories but also on the actual sense of media field, sometimes sending out his students to bitter experiences in struggling small broadcasting stations far from Bangkok. “Be Tough and Smart” is his slogan for students who have to survive in media field.
We also talked about the difference of concept of media literacy between Thailand and Japan, emergences of community radios, TV channels and the relationship with mass media and government. A strict censorship in Thailand became a interesting topic, as the typical example of the different media ethics according to various culture and society.
Biotope Salon will be held every two weeks, and the next event will be announced soon. See you next time!
ナナタンさんは、彼の大学のクラスや学生の話、タイにおけるマス・メディアの状況などのお話をしてくださいました。彼の授業は、単にメディア理論を教えるだけではなく、メディア現場での現実的なセンスを培うことにも力点を置いてデザインされています。そのために、彼の学生はバンコクから遠く離れた地方の小さな放送局に送られ、そのメディア現場に適応するための孤立無援の格闘をさせられることもあるとのこと。「Be Tough and Smart」が、メディアの現場でサバイバルしていかなくてはならない学生たちに送るナナタン先生のスローガンだそうです。私たちは、タイと日本のメディア・リテラシーの概念の違いや、コミュニティラジオやテレビの問題や、マス・メディアと政府の関係などについて、話あいました。タイにおける厳しい検閲に関するお話も、さまざまな分野うや社会によって、メディア倫理が違ってくるという典型的な例として、大変興味深い話題でした。

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