Oct. 10, Community Media in Seoul and Tokyo

Guest Speakers:

Yong-Chan Kim, Professor, School of Communication, Yonsei University
Young-Gil Chae, Professor, Media and Communication Division, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

Project Members:

Dr. Eujong Kim (Institute for Communication Research, Yonsei University)
Ms. Eui-Kyung Shin (Doctoral student, Yonsei University)


On October 10, 2014, a team of four researchers from Korea led by Professor Yong-Chan Kim of Yonsei University and Professor Young-Gil Chae of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies presented their research in the Biotope Salon. The team conducts research on the viability of urban community in local neighborhoods in Seoul. Their research is firmly based on communication infrastructure theory. The theory posits that a “storytelling network” in a neighborhood, consisting of residents, community organizations and community media, is a core infrastructure for enabling viable community. Based on the theory, the research project takes a multi-method approach to investigate storytelling networks of neighborhoods in urban Seoul.


Presentation of Yong-Chan Kim

In their three years project, the researchers employ interviews, field observations, and surveys to examine the current state of storytelling networks in neighborhoods. Based on their empirical research, the researchers aim to provide possible directions for building viable communities in urban neighborhoods.


Presentation of Yong-Gil Chae

In the Biotope Salon, Professors Kim and Chae mainly reported on their first year’s research that focused on interviewing community media and organizations. They presented specific cases of community media and organizations in several neighborhoods in Seoul. Based on their interviews, they coined the term “Maeul community media.” Maeul community media are specifically led by dedicated community members or organizations who tend to engage in constructing alternative community identity and development. Maeul community media participants engage in media production and distribution processes and also in the broader mission of constructing community in their neighborhood. In response to Professors Kim and Chae’s presentations, many questions and comments were posed by interested participants of Biotope Salon.


International Members from Canada, Japan, Korea, Poland, and Taiwan

During their trip to Tokyo this time, the Korean research team met with leaders and activists in Kawaguchi Media Seven, Chuo-ku’s citizen-led video making project, and Bunkyo-ku’s grassroots community organizations.

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Meeting with Mr. Noma and Mr. Sato: Core Staff of Kawaguchi Media Seven



Interview with Mr. Kuroki, Ms. Shiomi, and Mr. Ichioka: Local Leaders of Life Long Education and Media Practices of Bunkyo-ku


(Joo-Young Jung: Associate Professor of International Christian University)

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